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Private client brochure

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Services for you and your family

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When family life becomes complicated by conict, accidents or negligence, or you simply need a professional to guide you through changes. Boyes Turner’s approachable private client teams have over 30 years’ experience of giving straighorward, caring advice when you and your family need it the most.Helping with life’s

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When family life becomes complicated by conict, accidents or negligence, or you simply need a professional to guide you through changes. Boyes Turner’s approachable private client teams have over 30 years’ experience of giving straighorward, caring advice when you and your family need it the most.Helping with life’s

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Services in focusCare, compassion and condence• Medical negligence• Personal injury• Mesothelioma and asbestos disease claims• Court of Protecon• Community care• Special educaonal needs• Family law• Residenal property• Wills, trusts and probate• Contenous probate• Dispute resoluon• Private immigraon• Notary public servicesOur Private Client teams can help you with:

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Services in focusCare, compassion and condence• Medical negligence• Personal injury• Mesothelioma and asbestos disease claims• Court of Protecon• Community care• Special educaonal needs• Family law• Residenal property• Wills, trusts and probate• Contenous probate• Dispute resoluon• Private immigraon• Notary public servicesOur Private Client teams can help you with:

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“...friendly, responsive and professional, and the team works together seamlessly.”boyesturnerclaims.comMedical NegligenceOur leading medical negligence team have helped countless individuals and families to rebuild their lives by securing compensaon, praccal support and rehabilitaon aer their lives have been devastated by negligent treatment.The compassionate and highly skilled team ensure that clients’ true needs are reected in selements that are structured to cover capital costs and provide long-term nancial security. Their consistent success in severe and complex claims has earned them the reputaon as the ‘go-to’ medical negligence team for complex cases.The team has parcular experse in:• cerebral palsy and child brain injury arising from birth asphyxia and trauma• neonatal brain injury including kernicterus (jaundice) and hypoglycaemia• cauda equina/tetraplegia/spinal injury• amputaons due to poor diabec treatment and infecon• infecon-related brain injury including meningis and sepsis• fatal cases and loss of dependency including cases involving cancer• maternal obstetric injury• brain injury • injury from delayed diagnosis and treatment, and surgical, anaesthec, and medicaon errors • serious injury from cardiac negligence, delayed diagnosis and treatment of heart aacks and cardiac condions• helping dependent families claim compensaon where their loved one died as a result of medical negligencePersonal Injury“…very positive, caring organisation” with “great communication skills and willingness to listen.”Our highly experienced and compassionate serious injury team secure maximum compensaon for individuals and families whose lives have been devastated by injuries, whilst maximising recovery and restoring independence through funded rehabilitaon. Their experse in collaborave post-accident use of the Rehabilitaon Code alongside the claims process has helped countless children and adults rebuild their lives aer catastrophic accidental injury, ensuring that nancial provision is made to meet their physical, psychological, vocaonal and social needs arising from their injury.The team specialise in personal injury claims involving severe disability, from road trac accidents, workplace accidents, and complex claims involving contributory negligence, resulng in injuries including:• head injury and brain injury • spinal cord injury• major trauma and complex mulple injuries• amputaon• fatal injuryScan to watch Jessica’s storyScan to watch Kevin’s

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“...friendly, responsive and professional, and the team works together seamlessly.”boyesturnerclaims.comMedical NegligenceOur leading medical negligence team have helped countless individuals and families to rebuild their lives by securing compensaon, praccal support and rehabilitaon aer their lives have been devastated by negligent treatment.The compassionate and highly skilled team ensure that clients’ true needs are reected in selements that are structured to cover capital costs and provide long-term nancial security. Their consistent success in severe and complex claims has earned them the reputaon as the ‘go-to’ medical negligence team for complex cases.The team has parcular experse in:• cerebral palsy and child brain injury arising from birth asphyxia and trauma• neonatal brain injury including kernicterus (jaundice) and hypoglycaemia• cauda equina/tetraplegia/spinal injury• amputaons due to poor diabec treatment and infecon• infecon-related brain injury including meningis and sepsis• fatal cases and loss of dependency including cases involving cancer• maternal obstetric injury• brain injury • injury from delayed diagnosis and treatment, and surgical, anaesthec, and medicaon errors • serious injury from cardiac negligence, delayed diagnosis and treatment of heart aacks and cardiac condions• helping dependent families claim compensaon where their loved one died as a result of medical negligencePersonal Injury“…very positive, caring organisation” with “great communication skills and willingness to listen.”Our highly experienced and compassionate serious injury team secure maximum compensaon for individuals and families whose lives have been devastated by injuries, whilst maximising recovery and restoring independence through funded rehabilitaon. Their experse in collaborave post-accident use of the Rehabilitaon Code alongside the claims process has helped countless children and adults rebuild their lives aer catastrophic accidental injury, ensuring that nancial provision is made to meet their physical, psychological, vocaonal and social needs arising from their injury.The team specialise in personal injury claims involving severe disability, from road trac accidents, workplace accidents, and complex claims involving contributory negligence, resulng in injuries including:• head injury and brain injury • spinal cord injury• major trauma and complex mulple injuries• amputaon• fatal injuryScan to watch Jessica’s storyScan to watch Kevin’s

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The Court of Protecon was established by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and helps vulnerable people who are unable to make their own decisions. The Court makes decisions for them about their money, property, health or welfare. The Court can appoint someone else, known as a Deputy to make decisions on their behalf.Our naonally recognised Court of Protecon team regularly take on the important role of professional Deputy, usually in maers involving injuries leading to compensaon claims. When acng for family members as a Deputy (known as a ‘lay Deputy’), they can provide as much or as lile support as required. Similarly, they can also act for those with age-related illnesses. The team’s work also involves acng as a professional Trustee in compensaon claims where a person has sustained a physical disability but has retained mental capacity. These are known as Personal Injury Trusts.Our solicitors can visit clients at their home where they may feel more comfortable. This commitment, plus their wealth of professional connecons ensures truly holisc support for the most vulnerable of clients.Our Court of Protecon team’s work usually, but not exclusively, covers:• acng as a professional Deputy or Trustee• applying for a family member or friend to be a Deputy• one-o orders to the Court for maers such as gi applicaons, tax planning and the purchase and sale of property• statutory will applicaons• health and welfare disputesCourt of ProtectionAsbestos and Mesothelioma“…eciency, tenacity, kindness and empathy made this experience really stress free…”“The team leaves no stone unturned and is very good at explaining complex and emotional issues to clients.”Boyes Turner’s mesothelioma and asbestos disease claims team is one of the most experienced industrial disease teams in the UK and is naonally recognised for its handling of complex and substanal cases. We help people from a wide range of occupaons, from plumbers and ers who have handled asbestos regularly in their employment to teachers and shop workers whose exposure to asbestos may be less obvious. The team represent clients with mesothelioma (an asbestos related lung cancer) and other asbestos related diseases such as pleural thickening and asbestosis, as well as families of loved ones who have passed away due to asbestos disease. They combine high standards of professionalism with compassion and understanding, and have excellent relaonships with many related agencies and charies.The friendly and approachable team has an impressive track record of successful claims including:• cases arising from low-level asbestos exposure• environmental exposure to asbestos (from living near an asbestos factory for example)• secondary exposure cases (for example, breathing in dust from the clothes of family members)• securing early interim payments and lifeme selements to ensure the client benets from their compensaon• securing court orders for funding of future treatment (whether immunotherapy or second/ third line chemotherapy) that is not available on the NHSScan to watch How we

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The Court of Protecon was established by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and helps vulnerable people who are unable to make their own decisions. The Court makes decisions for them about their money, property, health or welfare. The Court can appoint someone else, known as a Deputy to make decisions on their behalf.Our naonally recognised Court of Protecon team regularly take on the important role of professional Deputy, usually in maers involving injuries leading to compensaon claims. When acng for family members as a Deputy (known as a ‘lay Deputy’), they can provide as much or as lile support as required. Similarly, they can also act for those with age-related illnesses. The team’s work also involves acng as a professional Trustee in compensaon claims where a person has sustained a physical disability but has retained mental capacity. These are known as Personal Injury Trusts.Our solicitors can visit clients at their home where they may feel more comfortable. This commitment, plus their wealth of professional connecons ensures truly holisc support for the most vulnerable of clients.Our Court of Protecon team’s work usually, but not exclusively, covers:• acng as a professional Deputy or Trustee• applying for a family member or friend to be a Deputy• one-o orders to the Court for maers such as gi applicaons, tax planning and the purchase and sale of property• statutory will applicaons• health and welfare disputesCourt of ProtectionAsbestos and Mesothelioma“…eciency, tenacity, kindness and empathy made this experience really stress free…”“The team leaves no stone unturned and is very good at explaining complex and emotional issues to clients.”Boyes Turner’s mesothelioma and asbestos disease claims team is one of the most experienced industrial disease teams in the UK and is naonally recognised for its handling of complex and substanal cases. We help people from a wide range of occupaons, from plumbers and ers who have handled asbestos regularly in their employment to teachers and shop workers whose exposure to asbestos may be less obvious. The team represent clients with mesothelioma (an asbestos related lung cancer) and other asbestos related diseases such as pleural thickening and asbestosis, as well as families of loved ones who have passed away due to asbestos disease. They combine high standards of professionalism with compassion and understanding, and have excellent relaonships with many related agencies and charies.The friendly and approachable team has an impressive track record of successful claims including:• cases arising from low-level asbestos exposure• environmental exposure to asbestos (from living near an asbestos factory for example)• secondary exposure cases (for example, breathing in dust from the clothes of family members)• securing early interim payments and lifeme selements to ensure the client benets from their compensaon• securing court orders for funding of future treatment (whether immunotherapy or second/ third line chemotherapy) that is not available on the NHSScan to watch How we

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“…passionate professionals who are empathetic, highly skilled and knowledgeable with regard to Education and SEN Law.”As experts in Court of Protecon (COP), we understand the challenges of managing the aairs of those with disabilies or who lack capacity. Every member of our team is passionate about protecng fundamental welfare rights.We specialise in educaon, health, social care and welfare. We have vast experience in securing successful outcomes in an array of complex welfare disputes. Our combined experse across Community Care, COP and SEN, means we are uniquely placed to provide comprehensive legal advice relang to the rights of children and adults living with a disability, injury or illness.Our unrivalled, all-age service joins the dots between complex overlapping legal frameworks, into one neat package. We can assist with:• securing care and support from a Local Authority, advising on the needs assessment process• direct payments, personal budgets and annual reviews• nancial assessments, deprivaon of assets and care charges disputes• pre-acon Protocol disputes and Judicial Review• Connuing Care (Children & Young Persons) and NHS Connuing Healthcare (Adults) eligibility• Connuing Care and NHS Connuing Healthcare Appeals• NHS funded care planning, including Personal Health Budgets, annual reviews• NHS & social care high-cost package disputes• Child & Adolescent Mental Health Provision (CAMHS)• secon 117 Mental Health Act 1983 aercare• Disabled Facilies Grants• mental capacity and best interests decision-making• Personal Welfare deputyship, including contested deputyship applicaons• Court of Protecon Welfare applicaons• deprivaon of liberty issues• inherent jurisdicon proceedings• safeguarding and nancial abuse• transion to adulthood• CQC regulatory issuesCommunity Care “Knowledgeable, organised, responsive, diligent, empathetic and human.” Special Educaonal Needs (SEN) team here at Boyes Turner are in high demand across the country for their niche ability to conduct a case from beginning to end. The team have been helping children and young adults with learning disabilies get the extra help and support they need for over ten years. Armed with such vast successful experience of handling complex cases, plus close es to relevant professional bodies, their expert advice is balanced with care, passion and empathy.Geng an Educaon, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or Individual Development Plan (IDP) for your child is not a quick process or indeed a straighorward one. It involves following a specic set of legal procedures and tests and pung together evidence from educaonal, medical, social care and other professionals to develop a picture of your child and the help they require. This can be an emoonally draining process.Our team can oer as much or as lile assistance as required. Examples of the team’s work includes:• discussing what needs to be done before a request for an EHC needs assessment or addional learning needs assessment is made• appealing against: – the content of an EHCP or IDP, including the named school/college – refusal to assess or issue an EHCP or IDP – decision to end the EHCP or IDP This can include preparing evidence, instrucng experts, liaising with the local authority, schools and case managers, through to draing Tribunal documents and full representaon at the hearing• taking over dealings with the local authority, including aending mediaon, liaising with the school and aending annual reviewsIf you have any issues that are not on this list, please call us to discuss them. It is very likely that we will be able to help.Special Educational

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“…passionate professionals who are empathetic, highly skilled and knowledgeable with regard to Education and SEN Law.”As experts in Court of Protecon (COP), we understand the challenges of managing the aairs of those with disabilies or who lack capacity. Every member of our team is passionate about protecng fundamental welfare rights.We specialise in educaon, health, social care and welfare. We have vast experience in securing successful outcomes in an array of complex welfare disputes. Our combined experse across Community Care, COP and SEN, means we are uniquely placed to provide comprehensive legal advice relang to the rights of children and adults living with a disability, injury or illness.Our unrivalled, all-age service joins the dots between complex overlapping legal frameworks, into one neat package. We can assist with:• securing care and support from a Local Authority, advising on the needs assessment process• direct payments, personal budgets and annual reviews• nancial assessments, deprivaon of assets and care charges disputes• pre-acon Protocol disputes and Judicial Review• Connuing Care (Children & Young Persons) and NHS Connuing Healthcare (Adults) eligibility• Connuing Care and NHS Connuing Healthcare Appeals• NHS funded care planning, including Personal Health Budgets, annual reviews• NHS & social care high-cost package disputes• Child & Adolescent Mental Health Provision (CAMHS)• secon 117 Mental Health Act 1983 aercare• Disabled Facilies Grants• mental capacity and best interests decision-making• Personal Welfare deputyship, including contested deputyship applicaons• Court of Protecon Welfare applicaons• deprivaon of liberty issues• inherent jurisdicon proceedings• safeguarding and nancial abuse• transion to adulthood• CQC regulatory issuesCommunity Care “Knowledgeable, organised, responsive, diligent, empathetic and human.” Special Educaonal Needs (SEN) team here at Boyes Turner are in high demand across the country for their niche ability to conduct a case from beginning to end. The team have been helping children and young adults with learning disabilies get the extra help and support they need for over ten years. Armed with such vast successful experience of handling complex cases, plus close es to relevant professional bodies, their expert advice is balanced with care, passion and empathy.Geng an Educaon, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or Individual Development Plan (IDP) for your child is not a quick process or indeed a straighorward one. It involves following a specic set of legal procedures and tests and pung together evidence from educaonal, medical, social care and other professionals to develop a picture of your child and the help they require. This can be an emoonally draining process.Our team can oer as much or as lile assistance as required. Examples of the team’s work includes:• discussing what needs to be done before a request for an EHC needs assessment or addional learning needs assessment is made• appealing against: – the content of an EHCP or IDP, including the named school/college – refusal to assess or issue an EHCP or IDP – decision to end the EHCP or IDP This can include preparing evidence, instrucng experts, liaising with the local authority, schools and case managers, through to draing Tribunal documents and full representaon at the hearing• taking over dealings with the local authority, including aending mediaon, liaising with the school and aending annual reviewsIf you have any issues that are not on this list, please call us to discuss them. It is very likely that we will be able to help.Special Educational

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Moving forward togetherHelping families prepare for and deal with big life changes, our private client team gives clear, pragmac and praccal advice to ensure that you feel condent and in control during uncertain or challenging mes.Family Law Our family law services are oen required at mes of stress, when emoons run high amid life-changing circumstances. In mes like these, experience and clear communicaon from trusted, friendly advisers is vital. We understand the strain of worrying about your children, the nancial landscape, or general uncertainty about what the future will look like. We are here to help.In addion to tradional advisory services, we oer innovave joint services that assist a couple together, helping the divorce/separaon process to be a faster, less expensive and more empowered experience. These services include Mediaon Informaon and Assessment Meengs (MIAMs), Mediaon, Joint Lawyer Support and Early Neutral Evaluaon; each carefully designed to help you through from start to nish in a way that minimises conict. If those services aren’t right for you we can oer robust, clear and bespoke advice to you as an individual to support you every step of the way.Regardless of whether your circumstances are simple or more complex, it’s important to take advice as early as possible to achieve the best outcomes for you and your family. Our team oers a free exploratory call to discuss your opons, and can also work with you remotely wherever you are located.Our experienced family team can provide pragmac and praccal advice on many areas including:• divorce and separaon• arrangements and disputes relang to children• nancial arrangements on divorce or separaon• complex nances, including pensions, trusts and business interests• issues faced by unmarried couples – Wealth protecon at all stages of a relaonship – Pre- and post- nupal agreements• cohabitaon agreements• domesc abuse and injuncons• emergency nancial remedies• enforcement of orders and agreements• same sex relaonships and civil partnerships• issues faced by parents and

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Moving forward togetherHelping families prepare for and deal with big life changes, our private client team gives clear, pragmac and praccal advice to ensure that you feel condent and in control during uncertain or challenging mes.Family Law Our family law services are oen required at mes of stress, when emoons run high amid life-changing circumstances. In mes like these, experience and clear communicaon from trusted, friendly advisers is vital. We understand the strain of worrying about your children, the nancial landscape, or general uncertainty about what the future will look like. We are here to help.In addion to tradional advisory services, we oer innovave joint services that assist a couple together, helping the divorce/separaon process to be a faster, less expensive and more empowered experience. These services include Mediaon Informaon and Assessment Meengs (MIAMs), Mediaon, Joint Lawyer Support and Early Neutral Evaluaon; each carefully designed to help you through from start to nish in a way that minimises conict. If those services aren’t right for you we can oer robust, clear and bespoke advice to you as an individual to support you every step of the way.Regardless of whether your circumstances are simple or more complex, it’s important to take advice as early as possible to achieve the best outcomes for you and your family. Our team oers a free exploratory call to discuss your opons, and can also work with you remotely wherever you are located.Our experienced family team can provide pragmac and praccal advice on many areas including:• divorce and separaon• arrangements and disputes relang to children• nancial arrangements on divorce or separaon• complex nances, including pensions, trusts and business interests• issues faced by unmarried couples – Wealth protecon at all stages of a relaonship – Pre- and post- nupal agreements• cohabitaon agreements• domesc abuse and injuncons• emergency nancial remedies• enforcement of orders and agreements• same sex relaonships and civil partnerships• issues faced by parents and

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When planning for the future, a crical priority for many people is to protect and preserve wealth for the benet of their family and loved ones. Regardless of your stage in life or personal and nancial circumstances, there are several key priories to consider:• Making or updang your will: Ensuring your will is up to date is essenal for expressing your wishes and distribung your assets according to your intenons.• Establishing appropriate powers of aorney: Having powers of aorney in place allows trusted individuals to make important decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so.• Appoinng trusted individuals for probate and estate administraon: Designang reliable people to manage probate and estate administraon ensures that your aairs are handled eciently and according to your wishes upon your passing.Our experienced and empathec lawyers understand that these are delicate and highly personal maers, which some people nd dicult to discuss. Our team can sensively guide you through all the complexies, delivering straighorward advice that will give you peace of mind and condence that your estate is in order and your loved ones are provided for in accordance with your wishes.“This is a high-quality, innovative team delivering the kind of work and client service normally only experienced from niche London specialist private client rms.”“…extremely impressed with the conveyancing service we received…”Wills, Trusts and ProbateOur award-winning property team specialise in residenal property transacons of all sizes and levels of complexity. From new build starter homes through to execuve homes, central London properes, buy-to-let property, country estates and everything in between.Whatever the scale, property transacons can be challenging and stressful with huge values at stake, which is why it’s important to nd a solicitor that oers clear communicaon, experience and exibility. Every transacon is dierent, and our service reects this by not taking a one-size-ts-all approach.Delays can be one of the most frustrang aspects of property transacons; our team aims always to provide complete transparency. You will be assigned a named lawyer who will provide updates and answer quesons from the outset of the transacon with phone calls being returned on the same day. The team understands the reassurance and condence that comes from feeling fully in control, and this is one of the main reasons why clients use and recommend Boyes Turner for their property transacons me and me again.The team specialise in:• residenal sales and purchases• purchase of new homes• plot sales• property disputesResidential PropertyScan to watch How we

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When planning for the future, a crical priority for many people is to protect and preserve wealth for the benet of their family and loved ones. Regardless of your stage in life or personal and nancial circumstances, there are several key priories to consider:• Making or updang your will: Ensuring your will is up to date is essenal for expressing your wishes and distribung your assets according to your intenons.• Establishing appropriate powers of aorney: Having powers of aorney in place allows trusted individuals to make important decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so.• Appoinng trusted individuals for probate and estate administraon: Designang reliable people to manage probate and estate administraon ensures that your aairs are handled eciently and according to your wishes upon your passing.Our experienced and empathec lawyers understand that these are delicate and highly personal maers, which some people nd dicult to discuss. Our team can sensively guide you through all the complexies, delivering straighorward advice that will give you peace of mind and condence that your estate is in order and your loved ones are provided for in accordance with your wishes.“This is a high-quality, innovative team delivering the kind of work and client service normally only experienced from niche London specialist private client rms.”“…extremely impressed with the conveyancing service we received…”Wills, Trusts and ProbateOur award-winning property team specialise in residenal property transacons of all sizes and levels of complexity. From new build starter homes through to execuve homes, central London properes, buy-to-let property, country estates and everything in between.Whatever the scale, property transacons can be challenging and stressful with huge values at stake, which is why it’s important to nd a solicitor that oers clear communicaon, experience and exibility. Every transacon is dierent, and our service reects this by not taking a one-size-ts-all approach.Delays can be one of the most frustrang aspects of property transacons; our team aims always to provide complete transparency. You will be assigned a named lawyer who will provide updates and answer quesons from the outset of the transacon with phone calls being returned on the same day. The team understands the reassurance and condence that comes from feeling fully in control, and this is one of the main reasons why clients use and recommend Boyes Turner for their property transacons me and me again.The team specialise in:• residenal sales and purchases• purchase of new homes• plot sales• property disputesResidential PropertyScan to watch How we

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The power of partnershipAt Boyes Turner, we are exceponally proud of our long-term relaonships both with our clients and with each other across our private client teams. Our clients directly benet from our close working relaonships and supporve connecons as well as the depth of experience we have across our people.• Business support and insolvency• Commercial services• Corporate law• Debt recovery• Dispute resoluon• Employment law• GDPR and data protecon law• Property lawOur wider teams can also help you with:

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The power of partnershipAt Boyes Turner, we are exceponally proud of our long-term relaonships both with our clients and with each other across our private client teams. Our clients directly benet from our close working relaonships and supporve connecons as well as the depth of experience we have across our people.• Business support and insolvency• Commercial services• Corporate law• Debt recovery• Dispute resoluon• Employment law• GDPR and data protecon law• Property lawOur wider teams can also help you with:

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Meet the teamMedical NegligenceSusan Brown Partner sbrown@ 07887 847 055Julie Marsh Partner jmarsh@ 07912 485 884Richard Money-Kyrle Partner rmoney-kyrle@ 07793 526 117Alexander Wright Partner awright@ 07469 852 691Court of ProtectionRuth Meyer Partner rmeyer@ 07894 587 705Laxmi Patel Partner lpatel@ 0118 952 7221Special Educational NeedsJames Pantling-Skeet Senior Associate jpantlingskeet@ 0118 952 7265Community CareFamily LawPaul Linsell Partner plinsell@ 07384 117 695Paul Lowery Partner plowery@ 07469 856 348Wills, Trusts and ProbateStella Perry Director sperry@ 0118 952 7127Residential PropertyPersonal InjuryClaire Roantree Partner croantree@ 07775 018 505Kim Milan Partner kmilan@ 07768 914 341Asbestos disease claimsLaura Magson Partner lmagson@ 07788 279 118Melloney Harbutt Legal Director mharbu@ 0118 952 7128Scan to watch Meet the partners

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Meet the teamMedical NegligenceSusan Brown Partner sbrown@ 07887 847 055Julie Marsh Partner jmarsh@ 07912 485 884Richard Money-Kyrle Partner rmoney-kyrle@ 07793 526 117Alexander Wright Partner awright@ 07469 852 691Court of ProtectionRuth Meyer Partner rmeyer@ 07894 587 705Laxmi Patel Partner lpatel@ 0118 952 7221Special Educational NeedsJames Pantling-Skeet Senior Associate jpantlingskeet@ 0118 952 7265Community CareFamily LawPaul Linsell Partner plinsell@ 07384 117 695Paul Lowery Partner plowery@ 07469 856 348Wills, Trusts and ProbateStella Perry Director sperry@ 0118 952 7127Residential PropertyPersonal InjuryClaire Roantree Partner croantree@ 07775 018 505Kim Milan Partner kmilan@ 07768 914 341Asbestos disease claimsLaura Magson Partner lmagson@ 07788 279 118Melloney Harbutt Legal Director mharbu@ 0118 952 7128Scan to watch Meet the partners

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boyesturner.comBoyes Turner LLP Abbots House, Abbey Street Reading RG1 3BD+44 (0)118 959 7711